Heat From Air

Hybrid Heat Pumps

Heat From Air – Hybrid Heat Pumps

Hybrid Heat Pumps

Heat From Air – Hybrid Heat Pumps

Heat From Air

Hybrid Heat Pumps

What is a hybrid heat pump?

If you’re looking for lower-carbon heating or reduced energy bills, consider installing a hybrid heat pump system. A hybrid system may be a good option if a standard heat pump installation isn’t suitable for your needs.

The term ‘hybrid heat pump’ refers to a system that uses a heat pump alongside another heat source. Typically, it describes fitting a heat pump alongside a fossil fuel (gas, oil or LPG) boiler. This boiler could be an existing boiler, or you could be considering installing a new boiler at the same time as the heat pump.

Is a hybrid heat pump right for me?

There are several reasons an installer might suggest fitting a hybrid heat pump system:

Your home’s heat demand is the amount of heat required to provide heating and hot water. A single heat pump on a domestic electricity supply might not be able to provide enough heat to keep properties with a high heat demand to a comfortable temperature. 

Well specified heat emitters (radiators or UFH) will help a heat pump to run at a high efficiency, keeping running costs to a minimum. You could also reduce your heat demand through improved insulation.

However, if you live in a large home where insulating is either impractical or too  expensive, and a single heat pump would not cope with the high heat demand, your installer may suggest a more specialist solution. This might include installing either a hybrid heat pump, a high temperature heat pump or a twin heat pump installation (often referred to as a ‘cascaded’ heat pump system).

Generally, the largest size of heat pump you can install on a standard (single phase) domestic electricity supply is 14kW. However, using either a hybrid, high temperature or cascade system you can find a solution for heating most homes.

It’s always worth finding out what it would cost to upgrade your electricity supply to a three-phase supply. If this can be done at an affordable cost, it will greatly improve your electricity options for both heat pumps and electric vehicle charging.

Designing your hybrid heat pump system.

The exact design and configuration will largely depend on the reason for choosing a hybrid heat pump system. However, regardless of the reason, your installer should provide running costs for the designed system, as well as assumptions of heat pump efficiency, boiler efficiency and fuel prices that were used in that calculation.

The exact configuration chosen is typically decided after discussion with your installer, during system design. The more cost-effective, or more carbon saving, configuration will depend on your home and heating needs. Your motivation for installing a hybrid may determine the most suitable configuration but be aware that some installers may not offer all the options you might want to consider.

We always recommend that you get quotes from several installers, including their opinion on the most suitable system for the property and your requirements. Other considerations include the cost of maintaining a hybrid system, and for comparison, you will need to understand your current heating system running costs.

Further Reading...

What is the Boiler Upgrade Scheme?

Air Source Heat Pump Installation Guide

Air Source Heat Pumps Maintenance Tips

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