Heat From Air

Domestic Air
Source Heat Pumps

Convert 1kw of Energy into 3.5kw of Heat: Domestic Air Source Heat Pumps in Telford.

Your Trusted Source for Domestic Air Source Heat Pumps in Telford.

Growing in popularity among homeowners in Telford looking to reduce their carbon footprint, domestic Air Source Heat Pumps are an extremely efficient, low-cost method to heat your home.

Air Source Heat Pumps use outdoor air and convert it into heat for all your hot water and heating needs. In well-insulated homes in Telford, these systems operate for a fraction of the cost of traditional heating appliances and function effectively even in temperatures below zero. A well-designed Domestic Air Source Heat Pump in Telford will significantly reduce your carbon footprint without compromising your heating requirements.

Installation Service for Domestic Air Source Heat Pumps.

Here at Heat From Air, we ensure that your transition from a traditional boiler to modern Air Source Heat Pump technology in Telford is seamless.

As with any home improvement, there is a process to ensure that the design and installation are carried out correctly, safely, and in compliance with current technical legislation.

Offering specialised advice and recommendations throughout, we are with you every step of the way on your journey to a green future for your Telford home. We’ve detailed our installation approach below, involving the steps to install a Domestic Air Source Heat Pump on your property.

Service & Maintenance for Telford's Domestic Air Source Heat Pumps.

All domestic appliances require some form of maintenance for optimal efficiency. Domestic Air Source Heat Pumps in Telford are slightly different as they don’t require as much maintenance as traditional boiler systems. However, we highly recommend keeping your system operating continuously during the colder months to efficiently heat your home.

When maintenance is required, Heat From Air will provide peace of mind and keep you up-to-date with every requirement. Regular maintenance reduces the risk of system failures and the costly repairs that come with them. It is also necessary to comply with warranty conditions.


Call 0121 269 2322 or click the button below to find out more..

Join the Green Revolution with Heat From Air.

Embrace the shift to renewable energy with Air Source Heat Pumps.

By choosing Heat From Air, you’re not only opting for an energy-efficient solution but also contributing to a larger movement towards environmental sustainability. Contact us today for a FREE site survey, and let’s embark on this journey to make a real difference, one heat pump at a time!

Follow our journey on LinkedIn and Instagram too for handy tips and tricks.

Heat From Air - Air Source Heat Pumps

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