Heat From Air

Connecting to heat pumps, which emitters are suitable and why it matters.

A heat pump is a very efficient low-carbon technology. It uses renewable energy sources to provide heating, hot water and cooling for your home. This energy is released through an emitter, such as radiators, underfloor heating, heat pump convectors, and your hot water system.

In this article, we look at some of the heat pump connections, including how they combine with a heat pump and which might suit your property the best.

How heat pumps work.

A heat pump can connect to heat emitters just like a traditional fossil fuel boiler. The difference is in how it generates heat, not how it distributes it.

Instead of burning fossil fuel to create heat, a heat pump absorbs heat from renewable sources such as: air, ground or water, and uses a process of evaporating and condensing refrigerant. The result is a more sustainable, cleaner form of heating and can reach supreme levels of energy efficiency.

Air Source Heat Pumps

Combining a heat pump with radiators.

There are two types of radiators: high-temperature and low-temperature.

High-temperature radiators typically exist in older properties. The water inside them is heated to between 60 and 70°C.

You can use a high-temperature radiator with a high-temperature heat pump or a hybrid heat pump, which combines a heat pump and a gas-condensing boiler. This hybrid solution automatically boosts the system as required to maximise efficiency while reaching higher temperatures.

Today, many high and mid temperature heat pumps exist that deliver a flow temperature above 60°C. These heat pumps are ideal for connecting to an existing piping system and older heating systems. Heat pumps also work perfectly with low-temperature radiators, which are usually found in newer houses. In both cases, the heated refrigerant circulates through a heat exchanger, which transfers the heat to water. This then circulates through pipes to the radiators.

Heat pumps with underfloor heating.

A heat pump combined with hydronic, or water based, underfloor heating can be an ideal way to heat a home. Heat pumps are most efficient at lower temperatures, and underfloor heating works at much lower temperatures than radiators.

Underfloor heating is also very energy-efficient and comfortable. It helps to create a natural and consistent heating feel around the whole property.

Hydronic underfloor heating is very compatible with a heat pump. It requires minimum energy and can be powered mostly from renewable sources.

Heat pump convectors.

Another emitter option is a heat pump convector (HPC), also known as a fan coil unit. It’s similar to a radiator, in that both use convection to heat a room, but the process is much faster with a HPC because there is a small fan behind it, speeding up the heating cycle. It can therefore create the same room temperature as a traditional radiator, but with lower water temperatures inside, offering energy savings.

A heat pump convector is compatible with underfloor piping and radiators in a multi-zoning installation, or it can replace outdated radiators when combined with low-temperature heat pumps. It gives you higher capacities from a low-temperature heat pump for maximum efficiency.

Choosing the right heat pump connection.

Ultimately, choosing the best emitters to combine with your heat pump will depend on you, your property, budget and needs. But the good news is that whatever your requirements, there is an emitter for you and connecting to heat pumps has never been easier!

We always recommend discussing your options with your installer, including a conversation about emitters. That way you can be sure you have the right solution for your home.

If you want to take advantage of this higher efficiency, just contact the friendly team at Heat From Air and we will handle everything for you. Follow our journey on LinkedIn and Instagram too for handy tips and tricks.

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Heat From Air - Air Source Heat Pumps

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