Heat From Air
Health & Safety Policy
Heat From Air, (the company), recognises and accepts its legal obligations under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, and all applicable Regulations and Approved Codes of Practice made under it.
The company will ensure as far as is reasonably practicable, the Health & Safety and Welfare at work of all its employees, trainees, directors, contractors, and temporary workers.
The company will ensure as far as is reasonably practicable the Health and Safety of visitors, customers, members of the public, or other third parties, who attend or use its premises, and who may affected by its works.
In accordance with its legal obligations the company has carried out a Risk Assessment of its activities, equipment, facilities, and all other related arrangements where matters of Health and Safety may be involved.
The company’s Health and Safety policy, (the policy), is designed to ensure the company complies with its Statutory Health and Safety, and any other Legal obligations, and to apply the necessary measures identified in its Risk Assessment, and to adopt all other reasonably practicable measures.
The company is committed to eliminating hazards associated with its operations and thereby Occupational Health & Safety risks.
The company will provide a framework for setting Occupational Health & Safety objectives, and will strive to continually improve its management system.
The company is committed to consultation and participation of all employees in achieving its objectives and goals.
The responsibility for ensuring effective organisation and arrangements for safety of the workplace, and the safe operation of plant and machinery lies with management. The company’s management are committed to providing whatever resources are necessary to ensure Health and Safety policies and procedures are maintained, implemented, and continually improved.
General Provisions
Under the provisions of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and The Management of Health and Safety at Work regulations 1999, the company has a duty to:
- Provide safe places of work, and the prevention of work related injuries and ill health.
- Provide and maintain plant and systems of work that are, as far as is reasonably practicable, safe and without risks to health.
- Make arrangements for ensuring, so far as is reasonably practicable, safety and the absence of risks to health in connection with the use, handling, storage, and transport of articles and substances.
- Provide such information, instruction, training and supervision as is necessary to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health and safety of its employees.
- Maintain any place of work under its control in a condition which is, so far as is reasonably practicable, safe and without risks to health and to provide and maintain safe means of access to and exit from such places of work that are safe and without risk to health.
- Provide and maintain a working environment for employees that is, so far as is reasonably practicable, safe and without risks to health and adequate as regards facilities and arrangements for welfare at work.
- Conduct the company’s business in a manner which will not put at risk the health, safety, and welfare of other persons not in our employment, whether working on or visiting our premises.
Every employee has a responsibility for the safety of themselves and others.
Employees have a duty whilst at work to:
- Take reasonable care for the health and safety of themselves and of others, (including fellow employees, other persons working on or visiting the premises, and customers), that may be affected by their acts or omissions at work.
- Co-operate with the company in the steps that it takes to meet its legal obligations.
- Report to their immediate manager any physical condition, system or practice which they consider unsafe or potentially unsafe.
- Refrain from intentionally or recklessly interfering with or misusing anything provided in the interests of health and safety.
Any failure to comply with a statutory or company requirement could result in legal and/or disciplinary proceedings being taken.
Name: Mike Dewey
Signature: Mike Dewey
Position: Managing Director
Date: 19 September 2022
Planning, Organising, Monitoring and Review meetings of Health and Safety Arrangements and Policy will take place on a regular basis. This will include auditing, workplace inspections, examination of accident statistics, and regular discussions of such matters at the company’s periodic Health & Safety review Meetings. Action plans will also be produced where required, and seen through by the management and company employees. A record of the minutes of the meeting, and the attendees will be taken and retained
The company Health and Safety Policy will be reviewed on a minimum annual frequency, or at any other time it is deemed necessary. The reviewed/revised policy will be re-signed and dated by the Managing Director.
Risk Assessments and COSHH Assessments will be reviewed on a minimum annual frequency, or at any other time it is deemed necessary.
Roles and Responsibilities
Mike Dewey, Managing Director
The Managing Director’s Health and Safety responsibilities are to ensure that:
- The Policy is effectively implemented, monitored, developed and communicated effectively to all staff and that necessary alterations are made to the policy to reflect changes in legislation or Company development
- Suitable and sufficient funds, people and equipment are made available to meet the health and safety requirements of the Policy
- The appropriate insurance cover is provided and maintained
- Procedures are put in place to ensure that all equipment is in good condition, adequately maintained and guarded, is suitable for the purpose for which it is used and has any required certificates of inspection or examination
- All levels of management and employees understand their responsibilities for health and safety placed upon them by this Policy
- An effective training program is established to ensure that all levels of employees are trained and competent to carry out their duties;
- The Board recognizes its role in providing health and safety leadership in the Company and to engage the active participation of workers in improving health and safety through continuous improvement
- Procedures are put in place to ensure that planning and control measures are provided to establish safe working methods for situations involving potential hazards
- Procedures are put in place to ensure that adequate welfare facilities are provided for employees
- Health and safety objectives are set and their achievement is measured and reported in the annual report
- Where necessary, health and safety rules are developed.
Andy Norris, Director
The Directors responsibilities are to:
- Assist the Managing Director with implementation of those responsibilities placed upon him.
- Assist all other Managers and Employees to carry out their responsibilities effectively.
- Develop and implement Safe Systems of Work
Sam Dewey, Sales and Marketing Manager
The Sales and Marketing Manager’s responsibilities are to:
- Ensure that projects and works sold to Clients meet with Statutory Legislation.
- Ensure that Health & Safety compliance is included and covered in tenders and quotations before issue.
Contract / Office Managers
The Health and Safety responsibilities at this level of management are to ensure that:
- They understand the Company’s Health and Safety Policy and understand their responsibilities
- They actively lead the implementation of the health and safety policy
- Adequate welfare facilities are provided and maintained in a satisfactory condition
- They communicate and consult with staff on issues of health and safety and encourage staff to report hazards and raise health and safety concerns
- Written instructions are provided through risk assessment and safe systems of work, to establish working methods, to explain the sequence of operations, to outline the potential hazards and implementation of suitable risk controls
- All health and safety site rules are followed by all
- All plant and work equipment within the workplace is maintained in a safe condition, guarded in accordance with the relevant legislation and has the statutory certificates of inspection or examination
- Adequate supervision of staff is provided to ensure that they are working safely, including the provision of increased supervision for new employees and young persons (under 18 years)
- Safety training requirements are identified for all members of staff under his/her control, to ensure that those members of staff are competent to undertake their work in a safe manner
- They set a good personal example by using the appropriate protective
equipment whilst on site
Additional Health and Safety responsibilities for Ian Brain, Health & Safety manager are to ensure that:
- All reportable injuries, diseases and dangerous occurrences are reported to the relevant enforcing authority
- All accidents/incidents, ill health, dangerous occurrences, and other issues concerning safety raised by anyone at work, are recorded and investigated such that effective controls can be implemented to help prevent recurrence
Administration Staff, Engineers and any other Employee of the Company
The Health and Safety responsibilities of the above personnel are to ensure that they:
- Understand the Company’s Health and Safety Policy understand their responsibilities and comply with the requirements
- Use the correct tools and equipment for the task
- Use the personal protective equipment provided
- Only use tools which are in good condition
- Report all defects in tools, plant, equipment and materials, or any obvious safety or health hazards
- Take reasonable care not to endanger themselves or other persons through their actions or omissions at work
- Avoid improvisation
- Warn new employees of known hazards
- Refrain from horseplay, and follow all health and safety site rules
- Do not misuse or abuse anything provided under a statutory requirement in the interests of health and safety
- Co-operate with the Company on all aspects of health, safety and welfare
- Do not operate any equipment or machinery unless they have been fully trained and instructed in its operation
- Report all accidents and incidents so that action can be taken to prevent a recurrence
- Inform their Line Manager of any change to their state of health, either temporary or permanent, which might affect their working ability or their suitability to carry out any particular task or tasks
Employee Representative(s)
- Engage with other employees and management regarding any Health & Safety issues raised
- Work with other employees and management to assist the company in reaching its goals and objectives with regard to Health & Safety
- To present any employee concerns, ideas for improvement, opportunities, or other matters relating to Health & Safety
All Parties
- To strive to achieve zero accidents of any type
- To continually improve the overall Health & Safety performance of the company
The external Health & Safety advisor for the company is:
Institution of Occupational Safety & Health
Our internal Health & Safety manager is:
Ian Brain – IOSH, NEBOSH, IOSH Technical Member
All employees will undergo Health and Safety training on their induction in accordance to their role function within the company. A review of their knowledge, experience and any development needs they may have will take place at the employee’s annual appraisal.
A copy of the company Health & Safety policy will be issued. Employees will be instructed in Fire and Emergency Drill, who are the First Aiders, and how to report an accident. Both the manager delivering the induction, and the inductee will sign and record that it has been carried out and understood.
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
In accordance with the Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations 1992 all employees will be issued with PPE appropriate for the duties they carry out.
PPE will be issued free of charge and recorded on the company “Tool and PPE Issue Record” document. Issue and receipt of PPE will be signed for by the issuing and receiving persons.
Recipients of PPE will be instructed in its use, safe storage, and maintenance.
Recipients of PPE will be made aware of their responsibilities and legal duty to wear it as instructed by site rules, risk assessments, and method statements.
The Principle Contract Manager will perform an annual review PPE for condition, storage, employee understanding of its correct use, and suitability for purpose.
Any defective or PPE requiring replacement and requests for additional PPE must be reported to Mike Dewey, Managing Director or Ian Brain, Health & Safety Manager.
Hazards associated with the work activity include:-
Asthma Dust and grinding materials
Back pain Lifting or moving heavy machinery
Dermatitis Handling oil and grease
Falls from height Ladders and so forth
Noise From machinery and tools
Slips and trips Spills of oil or grease
Vehicles at work Driving while tired
Vibration Handling vibrating tools
Work Safety
You are particularly asked to note the following guidelines on safe working practices. Remember that you are responsible for both your own safety and the safety of others.
First Aid
Adequate first aid provision and arrangements will be made at both the company’s office and site location.
All first aid boxes shall be suitably identified, prominently located, and easily accessible to all employees at all times they are at work.
Site based operations will as far as practicable utilise Client provided facilities. Where this is not possible, a suitably competent employee will appointed as responsible for first aid arrangements at that location, and a suitable first aid box provided.
Clare Mann, Office Manager, is responsible for first aid in the Company and for ensuring her qualifications are kept up to date. In her absence Mike Dewey will be responsible.
She is responsible for ensuring the office first aid box is stocked, as per the stock list inside the lid and all items are within their use by date. She should ensure that there are regular checks of the box and that a periodic review of the suitability of the contents is made. The project managers are responsible for site locations.
The Head Office first aid box is located adjacent to the welfare area.
The appointed person is Clare Mann
Accident and Injury Reporting and Investigation
All accidents and injuries must be reported to the employee’s line manager or supervisor, and recorded in the accident book which is held at the company’s Head Office.
Serious accidents where hospital treatment is required must be notified to the Health & Safety Advisor and/or Manager as soon as possible after the event.
Reporting of Injuries Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR) 2013
Injuries as listed below are deemed notifiable and must be reported to the Health & Safety Incident Contact Centre. The Health & Safety Advisor must be notified as soon as possible after the event.
- any work related injury resulting in an employee being absent from work for more than 7 consecutive days, excluding the day the accident occurred, but including weekends and rest days. Absences of more than 3 days must be recorded.
- fracture other than to fingers, thumbs, or toes
- amputation
- dislocation of shoulder, hip, knee, or spine
- a penetrating injury or a chemical or hot metal burn to an eye.
- injury resulting from an electric shock or electrical burn leading to unconsciousness or requiring resuscitation or admittance to hospital for more than 24 hours
- any other injury leading to hypothermia, heat induced illness or unconsciousness, or requiring resuscitation
- any injury requiring admittance to hospital for more than 24 hours
Notifiable injuries must be reported as follows:
- In the event of a major injury (as listed above in points 1 to 8), telephone brief details to the enforcing authority for your area immediately.
- Notify Mike Dewey, Managing Director and/or Ian Brain, Health & Safety Manager, as soon as possible.
- Within 7 days of the accident complete Report Form F2508 and forward it to the enforcing authority, Mike Dewey and/or Ian Brain will assist you in completing this form if asked to do so.
- If you are uncertain about who the appropriate enforcing authority is, send the report to the nearest office of the Health & Safety Executive or seek assistance from Mike Dewey, Managing Director and/or Ian Brain, Health & Safety manager.
Accident Investigation:
All accidents and incidents will be investigated by senior management, Health & Safety manager/advisor, and employee representative. The objectives of the investigation will be to:
- to determine the cause(s) with the objective of preventing another occurrence
- to gather information for use in any civil or criminal proceedings
- to confirm or refute a claim for industrial injury benefit
- to prepare notification to be made to the Health & Safety executive
- collation of accident statistics and identification of any trends
The level of investigation will be dependent on the seriousness of the accident and will aim to get answers to the following questions:
- what caused the accident
- who was involved
- when did it occur
- why did it occur
- how could it have been prevented
- how can a recurrence be prevented
CDM Regulations
Construction project works will be carried out under the CDM Regulations 2015 as and where applicable and will ensure that:
- The Client is aware of their duties under the Regulations.
- An adequate and suitable Risk Assessment is carried out.
- Control measures are implemented to protect anyone who may be affected by the works.
- Plan, manage and monitor the works.
- Ensure workers on the project are qualified and competent to execute their duties.
- Ensure workers receive a site specific induction before commencing works on site.
- Ensure the site is secure and unauthorized access is denied.
- Ensure that adequate and suitable Welfare facilities are available for the entire duration of the project.
- Co-ordinate works with others in the project team.
- Comply with instructions given by the Principal Designer and/or Principal Contractor.
- Comply with relevant parts of the Construction Phase Health & Safety Plan.
- In the event of the company being the only Contractor working on the project prepare the Construction Phase Health & Safety Plan.
- Transmit the Construction Phase Health & Safety Plans to the appropriate persons before commencement of the works on site.
Hazardous Substances (COSHH)
Material safety data sheets (MSDS) will be requested from the supplier before any hazardous substances are used during a work process, and an appropriate assessment made of the risks from that substance will be undertaken by the Health and Safety Manager / Representative, in line with the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations (COSHH). Alternative less harmful substances will be used wherever possible.
Assessments will consider storage, handling, aspects of use, exposure, PPE requirements, workers health, and emergency actions. Managers and/or supervisors will brief staff on any hazard or substance precautions, with written records being located in an accessible location within each work location.
An inventory of all substances and materials hazardous to health is held at head office, with records applicable to the company’s on site activities held locally as required.
Secure storage will be made available as and when required.
Induction and regulation training will be given and also toolbox talks to enable our staff to recognise potential hazards. If the building was built before the year 2000 Mid-Tech Services employees will ask if a register exists to find out if the area they are working in is a risk.
Should Heat From Air employees be accidentally exposed to, or suspect asbestos is present, they must immediately stop work and report this to a Manager or Director, and call for expert advice.
Access to Confined Spaces
The Confined Space Regulations 1997 pertain specifically to working in confined spaces. A confined space is defined as a place which is substantially enclosed, (though not always entirely), and where serious injury can occur from hazardous substances or conditions within the space or nearby.
- Before entering a confined space a specific risk assessment must be carried out.
- Do not enter a confined space alone. Always ensure a colleague is outside of in case of emergency, and that a rescue plan is in place.
- Do not enter a confined space if you have reason to believe there is a danger of any kind, including the presence of toxic gases or poor ventilation.
- If in doubt seek further advice, before proceeding, from the Heat From Air Head Office.
Contractors and Sub-contractors (Assessment, Selection and Management)
In order to monitor our contractors and sub-contractors we will ensure that all new contractors are required to, as a minimum, complete the company’s pre-qualification questionnaire. A review of the type of work being contracted out should be taken to assess the risk level.
In order to make an initial assessment of the suitability as a contractor or sub-contractor for Heat From Air’s business a review of Health and Safety arrangements will be made. This process will be repeated at a minimum annual frequency or at any other time deemed necessary.
Personal Hygiene & Appearance
Standards of personal presentation are vitally important in any industry. Every effort must be made by all members of staff to ensure that they always look clean and smart and that they pay attention to personal hygiene.
- Body odour can be offensive to employees and customers so frequent washing is essential. The use of an effective deodorant or antiperspirant is recommended to help you stay fresh.
- Hair is a breeding ground for bacteria and dirty or untidy hair looks unpleasant so please keep your hair neat and clean.
- Hands rapidly spread germs so wash them when you arrive at work, using hot water and soap or a bactericide. Nails should be scrubbed with a nylon bristled nailbrush. Clean towels, paper towels or hot air dryers should be used to dry your hands.
- Where uniforms are supplied they must be kept clean neat and tidy. Torn clothing, unbuttoned or unsecured uniforms can be dangerous as they can get caught in machinery or on door handles and so forth.
- Wear strong sensible shoes with non-slip soles and flat or low heels.
- Smoking is not permitted on the premises.
- Germs can spread by coughing, sneezing or spitting. Always use a clean handkerchief or tissue to trap germs and then wash your hands. Spitting is unhygienic, anti-social and is not permitted by any member of staff. Do not cough or sneeze near food or drink.
- Protect a scratch or cut with a clean waterproof dressing. Remember to change the dressing regularly as a dirty dressing may infect the cut.
- If you are involved in operating machinery you should not wear ornate rings or loose fitting jewellery.
- If you wear glasses or contact lenses, always wear them when necessary. It is particularly important to wear your lenses or glasses if you are using VDUs, machinery, reading or driving as it may have a detrimental effect on your vision or safety.
- Remember to report to your manager if you have any of the following:
- Diarrhoea (particularly if returning from holiday abroad)
- Skin rash
- Septic skin lesion (boils, infected cuts and so forth)
- Discharge from the ears, nose or eyes
- Vomiting (particularly if returning from holiday abroad)
- A member of your family is suffering from any of the above
- A physical or mental illness or condition that may effect your employment or job performance.
And inform your manager before returning to work after suffering from any of these symptoms.
- If you are given safety instructions by your team leader/ supervisor/ manager please obey them implicitly.
- Take note of and fully observe any hazardous warning notices and do not skylark or horseplay.
- If you are involved in or witness any accident or personal injury, no matter how slight, report it immediately to your manager.
- Where canteen / staff room facilities are provided use them properly and see that the area is left clean and tidy ensuring that hygiene regulations are adhered to.
- If health and safety matters cause you concern raise it in the first instance with your line management.
In the interest of health and hygiene every effort should be made to maintain the cleanliness of toilets and washing areas which should have the following items provided:
- Clean towels or electric hot air dryers
- Soap
- Plastic nylon bristled nailbrush
- Toilet brush
- Toilet rolls
N.B. No smoking rules must be strictly observed.
The company recognises that the health and safety of employees, customers, visitors and members of the public is essential, not only for the efficient operation of its business, but to the discharge of its responsibilities.
Every employee has a responsibility for the safety of themselves and others.
However, the responsibility for ensuring effective organisation and arrangements for safety of the workplace and the safe operation of plant and machinery lies with management.
- Annually tested and logged.
- Electrical installations will be subject of an inspection and certification.
- Ceilings will be certified and inspected.
- Battery / second lighting will be inspected and certified.
- Health and Safety inspections will be carried out every 6 months by the unit manager
- Boilers, compressors and lifting gear will be inspected annually.
Visual display equipment
Users of visual display equipment (i.e. persons using visual display equipment for more than two hours per day) shall be entitled to an eye and eyesight test. The test will be on an annual basis and will be conducted by an approved optician.
Manual handling operations
The company undertakes a degree of manual handling tasks involving pushing, pulling, lifting, putting down, carrying, moving, etc, by hand or bodily load, which could possibly result in injuries to employees and others.
The Company will give serious consideration to reduce such potential for injuries, particularly through basic Risk Assessment including:
- Does the task have to involve manual handling, and does it have to be done in the first instance, by avoidance.
- Does it have to be manual handling in that way, eg lifting from the floor instead of, say, from waist height etc.
- Can such loads involved be substituted for lighter/less cumbersome loads?
- Can the manual handling be carried out in more accommodating circumstances, including not in cramped or awkward conditions
- Can mechanical aids be used, for example trolleys and lifting appliances
- Will provision of personal protective equipment (PPE) assist in reducing injuries, for example gloves and safety footwear?
- Are persons carrying out the task capable of manual handling the load and have they received appropriate training?
This risk assessment process will involve the evaluation methods as under Part 3, Section 1 of this Policy, “Risk Assessment”.
- Where there is still a risk of injury to persons who have to carry out manual handling, after all other measures have been taken, they will be suitably and adequately trained in manual handling
- Regular and known loads which have to be handled should have their weights informed to those persons carrying out the manual handling, either marked on the load or by other means, for example given in writing to them, a safety sign, or by being verbally briefed
- Other unusual make up of load(s) will also be informed to such persons, i.e. if centre of gravity of load is not in the centre of the load, such as one side heavier than the other.
Machinery, plant and equipment
- Machinery and plant will be controlled and organised through the company. Such equipment will be checked periodically by a competent Engineer on behalf of the company, where required.
The company will ensure any required relevant certificates and documents are correct and up-to-date, and that such equipment is adequately maintained before it is used. A formal inspection and checking system will be used by the company to assist in keeping plant and equipment in good order. Checklists will be used to achieve this.
- All operators of such equipment who have received the relevant training and/or information will be responsible for the daily visual check of such equipment and reporting any defects to the company’s management.
- Any modifications to any major items of plant, machinery or vehicles will only be carried out by competent engineers, not employees.
- Any machine/equipment having interlocking devices, etc, will have such devices checked on a regular basis, along with its repair and maintenance.
- Any pressurised plant, including but not limited to air receivers and pressurised systems, will be regularly inspected, maintained and, where required, tested, by a competent person.
- Lifting equipment, for example cranes, Fork Lift Trucks, excavator shovels, will have current certificates of thorough examination. The company will control and oversee this.
- Portable electrical equipment will where possible be battery powered, 110 volts, or be 240 volt with a Residual Current Device electrical protection incorporated, in the circuit .
- All portable electrical items of equipment will have regular “users checks and be regularly inspected and tested by a competent source and records kept of this provision. (PAT testing). All records of “PAT” testing will be kept at the Head Office premises. Users of such equipment will carry out a daily visual check, regular inspection and test by a competent source will be carried out on six monthly basis for power tools, equipment and for all internally used portable equipment annually.
- All equipment hired in or borrowed by the company, will be initially accompanied with the appropriate proof of the required inspection and maintenance records. This will be formally requested to all providers of that equipment, normally by our standard company letter and may also form part of that contract specification details. No such equipment will be allowed for company use unless this equipment has such proof and has been verified by the company assigned person for such duties.
Company Vehicles and Driving
The company acknowledges that due to the nature of its business many of its employees will drive company vehicles in the course of their employment. The company will ensure that vehicles provided are suitable for purpose, roadworthy, and meet with legal requirements. Risk Assessment of the hazards of driving will be carried out, and information, training and instruction disseminated to affected employees, in accordance with the appropriate procedures.
Information to and from employees and others
Information as to Health and Safety matters will be brought to the attention of employees by:
1. Personal letters.
2. Displaying of the Health and Safety Law Poster.
3. Articles from the Health and Safety Executive.
4. Health and Safety Executive Publications, Guidance Notes, and
Approved Codes of Practice.
5. Company Information Sheets/booklets/newsletters.
6. Displaying information at the Company office and warehouse.
- Verbal information through toolbox talks, briefing or training sessions.
The Company will ensure that the above information is brought to the notice of all. This may mean, in some cases, giving copies to those persons.
Where the requirement is identified, Risk Assessments will be carried out. Risk Assessments may identify information needs for either employees or non-employees regarding significant risks to their health and safety. In these cases, such information will be given to those persons regarding the risks and the measures necessary to reduce or eliminate them.
Where information is given to employees in written form, those persons will give a signature of receipt.
Other persons (non Company employees, including other contractors, members of the public, etc) will, where identified, be supplied with any information as to any significant risks to the health and safety of those employees/persons, which may be as a result of Company activities.
The company will seek and encourage employee participation and involvement in identifying hazards and in managing risk. It is the duty of all employees to be aware and to participate in this initiative.
Welfare Facilities
All toilet facilities are well lit and ventilated, lockable and separate facilities for Male and Female. They all have soap, toilet roll and roller towels and basins are big enough to wash hands and forearms (if necessary). They are cleaned by a Mid-Tech employed cleaner and checked daily by staff. Walls and floors are tiled for easy cleaning.
Kitchen facilities include a fridge, microwave, dishwasher and hand basin, they are also cleaned. Separate throwaway hand towels and soap are also provided in this area. Drinking water is supplied in the kitchen area.
Lone Working
The company acknowledges that on occasions its staff me be subject to Lone Working. In this event a Risk Assessment will be carried out, and its findings recorded.
Control measures will be implemented to reduce any residual risk to an acceptable level. The company will make employees aware of their responsibilities to take reasonable care of themselves, and co-operate with their employees in meeting legal obligations.
Customer premises or serviced offices
| How you react in the event of fire depends on how well you have prepared for a fire emergency. Therefore, Managers should ensure that all employees are familiar with the procedure to follow in the event of an emergency as outlined in the Company’s Emergency Plan.
When on customers’ premises or in serviced offices the emergency procedure of the owner should be adhered to at all times. It is your responsibility to take note and understand their procedures and to comply with them. Visitors to our Serviced Offices should be made aware of the emergency procedures for the office. | ||
Procedure To follow | The procedure is outlined below. The building evacuation procedure is posted on the office bulletin board. | ||
Basic Procedure |
I. In the event of an alarm Race. | ||
| R |
| Remove anyone from immediate danger |
| A |
| Activate the building fire alarm system and call 999 |
| C |
| Confine the fire by closing all windows and doors |
| E |
| Evacuate, leave the building and go to the assembly point which is the car park opposite Extinguish the fire, if it can be done safely |
Basic Procedure |
II. How to Survive a Building Fire | ||
| 1. |
| Crawl If There’s Smoke |
| 2. |
| Feel Doors Before Opening |
| 3. |
| Go To The Nearest Exit |
| 4. |
| Always Use An Exit Stair |
| 5. |
| Close Doors |
| 6. |
| Use a fire extinguisher if the fire is very small and you know how to use it safely |
| 7. |
| If you are on fire – Stop, Drop and Roll |
| 8. |
| If You Get Trapped – Close the door – Seal cracks – Open the windows if safe – Signal for help and phone 999 – Don’t Jump – The fire department will reach you. |
Basic Procedure |
III. If You are Physically Impaired | ||
| If you are disabled (even temporarily), you should do the following: |
| – Learn about fire safety. |
| – Plan ahead for fire emergencies. |
| – Be aware of your own capabilities and limitations. |
Look for “areas of refuge” including stair enclosures or other side of corridor fire doors. Elevators are not safe during fires. Sometimes it may be safer to stay in your room. Follow the advice for being trapped.
| If there is an immediate threat to safety, ask others near you for assistance. If no help is available, seek refuge in a room with a window or stairway. If possible, call “999” to report your location and receive instructions from the Emergency Operator. |
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